• Katarzyna Karska

          • Health

          • 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being treated in hospital?

            2. What should we do to remain fit when we are old?

            3. What problems can result from an unhealthy lifestyle?

            4. Alternative therapies are becoming extremely popular. Why?

            5. How do addictions affect family and friendships?

            6. Is it easy to be a disabled person in Poland? Why? Why not?


    • Kontakty

      • I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Filomatów Ziemi Michałowskiej w Brodnicy
      • sekretariat@1lobrodnica.pl
      • 0-56 4982016
      • I Liceum Ogólnokształcące, 87-300 Brodnica, ul. Lidzbarska 14

        87-300 Brodnica
      • pon. - pt. w godz. 7.15 - 15.15

        ePUAP: 1LOBrodnica/skrytka
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